
June 2020 - The most challenging month this year thus far

Your mom just showed me a video of a black teenager beating up a white teenager while I was washing the parts of my pump. I said "that's terrible". She then said maybe she should move back to Taiwan and left the house to go to Walmart. I received this text from my wife while at work. Wife is working from home. We are both healthcare workers and were fortunate enough to still have our jobs. Both of us were transitioned to telehealth for our work. I do telehealth at the office and my wife was allowed to do telehealth from home after her maternity leave ended. Our son is 5 months old in June. My mom had moved in with us last year after she retired, after learning that my wife was pregnant with our first child. She had been spoiling us with her homemade cooking and practically nursed my wife to 100% from the birth of our son. Our son was born in January, 2020. What a year he was born in - the death of Kobe Bryant, Coronavirus pandemic, and now this - the largest Black Lives
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